Exploring the intersection of Complexity, Safety and Resilience in Healthcare…
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I am a bilingual physician with expertise as a healthcare mediator and patient safety consultant, working with healthcare leaders, clinicians, patients, and families.
I have a passion for facilitating transformation in healthcare organizations using complexity science and system safety methods and principles as effective problem-solving approaches.
Ways that I can work with you and your organization….

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Is Section 51 a Black Hole for Patient Safety Learning?
Is Section 51 a Black Hole for Patient Safety Learning? I am writing this blog post at a time when COVID-19 has taken over our lives, in virtually [...]
Waiting for the Court
Waiting for the Court: The Cambie Surgical Clinic challenge to Medicare As you may know, the pleadings are finished in the major court case in British Columbia challenging [...]
The A-G’s Report on Patient Safety
An Op-Ed piece that never saw the light of day What follows is a response to the report of the Auditor-General of Ontario, released in early December 2019. [...]
Applying SNAP! To Healthcare
Applying SNAP! To Healthcare Let’s suppose for a moment that you are an “outdoors” type – into hiking, cycling, orienteering, and generally exploring the world. You decide you [...]
Taking the Train from Toronto to Vancouver: A One Act Play
Taking the Train from Toronto to Vancouver: A One Act Play (Patient Harm from Patient Safety Events in Canada) Setting the scene. Your cousin, living in Vancouver has [...]
Ever Kill Somebody With Your Bare Hands?
Ever Kill Somebody With Your Bare Hands? A figure glides silent with muted rubber-soled footfalls down a long, darkened corridor. Head slightly forward and intent, there is no [...]