Rx: T3*’s for Healthcare
(prescriptions for the Canadian healthcare system)
Welcome to the T3 Blog where ideas to improve healthcare in Canada will be presented. Robust discussion and dialogue are welcomed. Topics to be covered will include any that will benefit from being exposed to the light of day – especially those that are often neglected in terms of public exposure.
* T3 is the acronym for Truth Telling Time and is not intended to be a promotion of the popular pain killer. We are all suffering from the major challenges experienced in healthcare. HSSA does not receive or accept any support from Big Pharma.
Blog Posts
Archived Blog Posts
Is Section 51 a Black Hole for Patient Safety Learning?
Is Section 51 a Black Hole for Patient Safety Learning? I am writing this blog post at a time when COVID-19 has taken over our lives, in virtually every domain. I was planning on raising questions about several consequences of Section 51 of the Evidence Act in British Columbia that are clearly not helpful for patient safety – for [...]
Waiting for the Court
Waiting for the Court: The Cambie Surgical Clinic challenge to Medicare As you may know, the pleadings are finished in the major court case in British Columbia challenging the universality of Canada’s Medicare plan. The case has been brought by an orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Day, on behalf of the Cambie Surgical Clinic in Vancouver. The case is now in [...]
The A-G’s Report on Patient Safety
An Op-Ed piece that never saw the light of day What follows is a response to the report of the Auditor-General of Ontario, released in early December 2019. The report included a section on my favourite subject, patient safety, and I felt it was necessary to raise some of the questions that were not addressed in the report as [...]
Applying SNAP! To Healthcare
Applying SNAP! To Healthcare Let’s suppose for a moment that you are an “outdoors” type – into hiking, cycling, orienteering, and generally exploring the world. You decide you would like to travel on the Danube, from its headwaters in the Donaueschingen region to the Black Sea. Before you hop into your kayak, I hope you will at least obtain [...]
Taking the Train from Toronto to Vancouver: A One Act Play
Taking the Train from Toronto to Vancouver: A One Act Play (Patient Harm from Patient Safety Events in Canada) Setting the scene. Your cousin, living in Vancouver has just informed you that he is getting married in two months time. He has invited you and your family to come from Toronto. You are thrilled and immediately contact Canada Rail [...]
Ever Kill Somebody With Your Bare Hands?
Ever Kill Somebody With Your Bare Hands? A figure glides silent with muted rubber-soled footfalls down a long, darkened corridor. Head slightly forward and intent, there is no notice paid either way between the two hunched forms seated in a cocoon of cool white lamplight at the desk to the right and the institutionally uniformed character passing rapidly by [...]